Significant September to October Energy Update

Angel’s Guidance for September/October 2024

September brings us the opportunity to retreat into the caverns and chambers of the heart and reconnect. Those of us on the “Leading-Edge” pathway, are literally metabolising the old 3D energies and mutating into Higher Light avatars. This can be a complex and uncomfortable task, at the human mind/body level. The Angels suggest we softly approach ourselves, our minds and bodies with radical compassion and patience. The Ascension process is a life-long journey and needs the “lightening up” of humour, kindness and presence of the internal landscape.

We are allowing an expansion of our emotional stability as we make required changes inside and outside ourselves. The Angels ASK us to understand the power of being authentic and saying “No”, when necessary. How can you embody and mean your “Yes”, when you cannot completely embody and mean your clean “No”?

We had the expected Triggers in August. So by September we are settling down and feeling the gentle stirrings of the heart Initiations massage our quiet passions awake.

In my Youtube energy updates, I spoke about the many physical Ascension symptoms being activated in August and September. Jaw pain, headaches, sore throat, fatigue, appetite suppression, sleep abnormalities…, To learn more about what is happening there, visit my Youtube channel called “Aoibheann Mary” and see all the updates posted.

Our hearts are evolving and being activated at this time more than ever before in these current bodies. This expansion and evolution feels like a clean sweep of the heart’s walls and rooms and can cause emotional release and sensitivities. Some experience the heart evolution as heart palpitations and dizzy/ spacey sensations around the head.

To alleviate discomfort, try pulling your awareness and focus from the” merry go round” head, dropping calmly into the heart chakra, in the centre of the chest. The Angels remind me when I am anxious getting lost in thought to “Anchor into the heart space”. I find relief and comfort there and I encourage you to anchor into your heart in conscious awareness daily practice. You will be surprised how beneficial such a simple ritual is.

Enthusiasm versus Restriction

The frequencies encourage us to focus on the Yin-Yang paradox of everything now. The cosmos is pulling is into INTEGRATION with our dualistic nature and opposites being blended rather than causing conflict or opposition.

The SOUL versus SHADOW

Or Acceptance versus Powerlessness. Can we surrender our egos and fears and soothe our reactions to such triggers?

Can you accept what your ego once admonished was “unacceptable”?

Can you drop the constant searching and pushing to rest in your heart’s faith and trust that tomorrow is being taken care of?

Evolution of creative Career Skills & Social Spaces

You will observe more social spaces for expression of creativity and career portals appearing in your reality. More people will exit the old matrix type of work schedule and start creating a more flexible approach to their workday and lifestyle. The Angels have shown me for years that the new Souls coming in, being born now, will not be “workers”. They will not “work”, in the way you and I have been shown. They are born knowing that they embody the spark of Source, the I AM, and so will know how to exist without running a 9 to 5 job. With the increase in the deepening of the human collective intuition and Source remembrance, there is a hive-mind move away from institutions and a path being forged toward the more spiritual avenues of reality.


The angels of the universe want to bring what is unconscious in our lives to Light.

Can we or will we, allow these intense emotions and limiting concepts to be neutralised now?

You may notice heated debates and discussions at play more in the coming months. Especially since mid-August with the Blue moon on the 19th. The reason being people are less afraid of what others think now and the filters are off. The Angels advise taking a breath and stepping away from such dramas as what is said cannot be unsaid. These frequencies will bring answers and truth to Light that may have eluded you for some time. Give yourself space to absorb and metabolise all these new inner-standings of your unknown 5D landscape.

As always, I will be sharing more on the Energies in advance of their arrival into real time for the collective. I post regularly on my Youtube channel to aid and assist you on your empowered, spiritual expansion.

Aoibheann & The Angels