Avalanche of Deep

Avalanches above
snowscapes underneath
Your yearning for the Blossom’s May
And we are here in Winter’s day

What say you, what will you say?
When Rose seeds bud
Your Darling May
When the moon is full and ripe
and round,
Ready, fecund, fertile, profound
Protruding flowers growing sound
Through Barren landscapes
of your mind
(Like the Rose in Shoot the Crows)
Twining thoughts of softer kind
Place your hands in nourishing soil
Discovering a precious, rare find
How will it feel to be Alive?!?
in flower garden, lemon rind
A bright colour haunting night
A ghostly radiance a flight…

The moment’s frozen cold and still
Candle’s glow from up the hill
Call you to the challenge. Fight!
If the righteousness feels right
We won’t wear our hats and gloves
Sanctum under cosy coats
Woolly scarves to hide behind
layers of complicated pride.

Avalanches fall and heal
Goddess spins the season’s wheel.
Soon strong Spring will sprout and start
melt the chambers of your heart.